What is Nave?

nave (noun) /nāv/ : the hub of a wheel

Have you ever examined the anatomy of a wheel? The hub is the central part of the wheel. It is an anchor for the spokes and is the link between the wheel and its vehicle. Spokes radiate out from the hub, connecting it to the wheel’s rim and helping to distribute weight of the vehicle’s load throughout the wheel, as the hub cannot bear all of the weight on its own. If something goes wrong with the hub, the wheel will not function properly and the vehicle cannot continue onward. 

Just as the hub of a wheel is at the center of the vehicle’s ability to function and essential for stability, our sense of self is essential for navigating the ups and downs of life and gaining the ability to continue onward. By identifying our beliefs and developing our identity, we can navigate the journey of life with greater clarity and purpose, allowing us to make the most of every experience and stay on course towards our goals and aspirations. We are then able to continue onward, empowered to live a life of fulfillment.

At Nave Wellness Center, your life’s journey is our priority. We aim to come alongside you, wherever you are on your path of life, to help you continue onward.

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