About Nave

Our Mission

Nave Wellness Center exists to empower individuals to navigate through present life circumstances, understand past experiences, and identify a forward path of flourishing and fulfillment.

We do this by cultivating a community of healing and growth where individuals uncover ability to step into the fullness of their life’s purpose. We are dedicated to providing culturally competent and inclusive, high quality mental health care.

Nave Wellness Center envisions a world where every person, regardless of background, can access the support and resources needed to thrive on their unique journey towards holistic mental wellness.

Our Values

Our values at Nave Wellness Center can be summed up with the acryonym NAVE PLLC


You are in the driver’s seat of your own life. At Nave Wellness Center, we prioritize helping you to equip yourself with whatever you need to navigate your life’s circumstances more effectively.


Acceptance is the acknowledgement of that which is outside of our control and allowing those things to be as they are. Acceptance is key in the process of finding ways to live a more fulfilling life.


No two persons are alike, and in the same manner, everyone’s values differ. At Nave Wellness Center, we work with you to identify your core values and how to live your life in alignment with them.


You are the only one who knows what it is like to be you. You are the authority of your own life. We value empowerment so that, through strength and confidence, you can live a fulfilling life now.


Your existence in this world is valuable simply because you exist. At Nave Wellness Center, we seek for every interaction to display our awareness of the value of your uniqueness.


You are meant to live life in a manner in which you flourish and, dare we say, sparkle. At Nave Wellness Center, we will help you identify glimmers that allow your special light to shine.


People heal in spaces in which they are heard. We deeply believe in the importance of listening well and how active listening cultivates the healing process.


Humans are not meant to exist in isolation. At Nave Wellness Center, we believe in the importance of social connection to foster healing and growth.